Today was HOT.
I can still feel the heat on my skin from the sun.
The sunscreen came out. The freezies came out and so did the kitty pool.
I handed Livy a water bottle as she walked by. She drank. A lot of it. After she was done, to much of her surprise she asked:
'How did you know I was thirsty?!'
I playfully and proudly replied: 'Cause. I'm. Your. Mama.'
Sometimes we have no idea we were thirsty until we get a taste of it.
Same with God.
Sometimes we are aware of our thirst. For Him.
And sometimes we have no idea our souls are longing for a drink.
Until we taste it.
We are encouraged to seek Him. To drink from the LIVING water. And lot's of it.
And sometimes. Just like me. He surprises His children by giving them a taste of the
living water without us even asking. Without us even knowing we were bone-dry.
We drink. And we thirst no more.
If we were to ask Him, 'How did you know? How did you know I was thirsty? How did you know I was parched? '
I'm pretty sure he, too, would playfully and proudly say
'Cause. I'm. Your. Daddy.'
Love, Laura