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Plant in a Glass Bottle


Welcome to my website.
I'm a Latvian girl living in Canada.
I'm a wife to Frank and a mama to four little rascals.
I’m so grateful by the many positive encouragements to keep writing, creating and sharing stories of everyday people.
I want to foster that connection with you.
I’m looking forward to sharing future stories as they come to life, but in the meantime, check out my upcoming book, stories from fellow companions and personal blog posts below.



I am a Storyteller at Heart

I'm a lover of words.

I speak too fast. I talk too much. 

I am passionate about our stories and remembering that we are part of a Greater Story.

I am learning what it means to love God and people.

I am learning to see beauty in the broken, the ordinary and the messy parts of our lives. 

I love my people. My family and friends. â€‹â€‹â€‹

I believe that sharing our stories remind us that we are all together in this.

I want us to be a breath of fresh air in a polluted world.

I want to make room for our stories. Here, in the daily.

I believe there is this sweetness.

When life is shared.






Coming This Fall

It was only when faced with heartache and pain that I learned that putting ink to paper gave me a way to untangle my thoughts and heart. I found a safe place to talk to God.

Hearing people's life stories, I realized I didn't like mine.

Didn't want it. I refused to accept it.

I slept-walked through important years of my life. Confusing getting out of bed with being alive.

Fully alive.

Luckily I have a God who isn't swayed by pretending and had no intention of leaving me there.

Like a crafted surgeon he did what only a loving Father would do.

He invited me to go to those deep, hidden places.

Cut me open. Exposing the inner parts.

Take my core beliefs and put it against the light so I could see what's really true.

A re-breaking.

Breaking me open so I could heal.


I was able to see that God wasn't trying to hurt me.

He wanted to heal me.

This is love.

I feel like I have awoken.

To my own life. 

I have come to appreciate those very hated places.

Would love to share my journey with you. 

Not because I have mastered life, pain or death.

But because I know firsthand what living stuck in broken places feels like. And I bet you do too.

So let's lock arms, like deep-spirited friends, and usher each other closer.

To Jesus.

Healer of all hearts.

The healer of all wounds.

Making all things new.


I’ve been working on this latest release for quite some time now. 

It will be ready to order soon and I cannot wait for you to read it.

Engagement Ring

2 Corinthians

You very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. 
Christ himself wrote it- not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit.
Not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives-

and we publish it.

It’s written with spirit on spirit, his life on our lives.


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